Entropie (italian): year 2097, your space ship is in orbit around a white planet of Sumo galaxy; sensors indicate a disorder state on the planet, you are sending your robot Explorer 3 to investigate situation... Loading: Press 2 (Basic1) and type LOADM Game description: your goal is to restore forces equilibrium on the planet. The planet is made of a big numbers of rooms and objects, some of them hostile, others friend, other indifferent. Move your robot with arrows or joystick. Space or fire removes gravitational field. The robot can obtain informations from objects, by pressing P. It can pick up and transport up to 4 objects. Press F1 to pick up an object, and F2..F5 to release them, with this schema: ----------- | F2 | F3 | ----------- | F4 | F5 | ----------- Press Stop to abort a game. Notes: This is an hard, to not say impossible, game. You don't know how to dispose objects to win, and all informations you obtain from objects are written in crypted way (and you have not the key, of course!). Even looking at decrypted sentences by reverse en- gineering of memory doesn't help very much...