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Date : 22/06/2004 à 08h29

Hi Everyone!
I Owned an italian Olivetti Prodest PC128 since when I was 6 untill I was about 10 years old. Now I am 25! It was a real good time, but It was not simple for a Pc128 child with the C64 Kingdoom! and It was not so simple finding a new game on shops! I started learning Basic with this machine, when I was 8 I programmed "Il Vermine Carmine" ( Carmine The Worm(ine) ) that was a simple program that mooved a "*" using the Joystick.. Nowadays It's all so fast, and with my work, my hobbies I can't follow informatic's news.
Finding this emulator (and all this site) was great... Watching the old logo, hearing from "Beeps" typing on my PC was great! :(

I Still have PC128 but I have problems on the built-in recorder.

I hope to stay in this forum and I am sorry for my bad english .. (hem .. my french in bad enough!)

See U soon!


I want to be back to my childhood!
en haut - en bas
Date : 22/06/2004 à 09h55
Welcome Ciava !
Hope you can repair your PC128 tape recorder.
We can help you with advice and/or parts.
en haut - en bas
Date : 22/06/2004 à 13h15
Hi! thanks
Well Tape recoder buttons were always too fragile .. but here I have a problem .. a sound like "Buzz" in play and programs does not load .. I think there's a .. hem I dont' know how to say in english .. "Short .. Cortocircuito" ;)

My first tape was "Numero 10" .. my last .. "Bobo" or "Balthazar" I think ...

See U soon!
en haut - en bas
Date : 22/06/2004 à 15h01
Ciava a écrit :
Tape recoder buttons were always too fragile

This is a common problem with MO6. Some of them have reliable keys, others can break like glass. And glue cannot fix them. My trick is to remove the broken part, then drill a hole under the main piece and fix the key with a screw. Another trick is to get keys out of a broken MO5 or TO7 tape recorder, but it is probably difficult to find one in Italy.
The other problem may be a short circuit, although it is more likely a bad contact. You can try a deoxidizing spray with the two micro-switches and the main commutator on the printed circuit board.
Hope this helps !

By the way, do you have games (or Italian versions of French games) that cannot be found at http://mo5.free.fr
en haut - en bas
Date : 23/06/2004 à 02h22
I had my "PLAY" key broken on my MO6, so I exchanged it with the "PAUSE" key and it worked again !

Another problem I had like my mentionned is that the motor was running, the buzzer was buzzing but it could not seem to find any application on the tape. What I did was to use a screw driver on the head (there is there a small screw that controls the height of the head). Play around with it (not too much) and test regularly, you might find back the proper height if the problem is related with this.
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